Friday 22 May 2015

On Wednesday the 20th of May we left school at 9:00am and got on a bus and went to

When we got there we didn't waist any time and we got straight to it.We put on our harness and helmet.The first thing we did was the second level aerial trekking.It was lots of fun.

Then we did the Dropzone Freefall.This was terrifying!

After that we did the climbing wall.

My favourite activity we did was ZipLining.

Friday 15 May 2015

Swim A Mile, SciFest & Ty Retreat

Swim A Mile:
On the 6th of May,we went to The National Aquatic Centre for 'Swim A Mile'.We got sponsored by family members and friends to swim a mile.We all enjoyed it and we're delighted we got to participate.

On the 12th of May,it was a very important day.It was the second round of Scifest.My team were lucky enough to get through back in March. Scifest was in Tallaght IT.We left the school at 9:00am and arrived around 9:45am. After we were 
judged we waited for the results to be told.One group from 
our school got a awarded.

TY Retreat:
On the 13th of May,It was our retreat day.We left the school at 9:00am.And got a bus to Maynooth College.The purpose of our retreat was to reflect and have time for ourselfs.We played different fun games and also debated on different subjects like equality and who has it easier etc.We had a great day.